Dansk Artist Forbund has entered into several collective agreements. The agreements set minimum rates and establish which rights are transferred in the employment relationship.
Get an overview of them here.
- DR collective labour agreement - for DR's own productions
- DR transmission agreement - when DR broadcasts from other people's events
- DR artist agreement - for circus or variety performers in DR's programmes
- Monday (tidl. Skandinavisk Filmkompagni) – gælder optræden i selskabets tv-produktioner
- Eyeworks - applies to participation in the talk show Meyerheim on TV2 Charlie
- DR collective labour agreement - applies to DR's own productions
- DR transmission agreement - when DR broadcasts from other people's events
- Collective agreement with Cirkus Arena - applies to participation as a performer in Cirkus Arena
- DR artist agreement - for circus or variety artists in DR's programmes
- Collective agreement for hospital clowns – for hospitalsklovne ansat hos foreningen
Danske Hospitalsklovne
- Collective agreement with the Danish Producers' Association – for sangere, artister, musikere,
skuespillere, koreografer mv.
- Collective agreement with the Danish Producers' Association - applies to singers, actors, etc.
Questions about the agreements?
If you have any questions regarding agreements, minimum rates and collective agreements, please write to jura@artisten.dk.