find funds and deadlines for your projects: click here to sign up
find funds and deadlines for your projects: click here to sign up
find funds and deadlines for your projects: click here to sign up

Entitlement funds

Dansk Artist Forbund fordeler ophavsretlige vederlag musikudøvere og cirkusartister – penge der er opkrævet af Copydan og Gramex.

The rights funds are redistributed in two ways - either in the form of an individual rights payment for the use of content, or as a grant based on a project application.

The principles behind the distribution policy must be approved by the union's members and documented in an annual transparency report.

Collective Gramex and CulturePlus funds

Distribution of the collective funds from Gramex and KulturPlus via the Danish Artist Association aims to ensure diversity and retain and develop talent. The funds are distributed via application.

Projects must relate to the work of artists and musicians and can have artistic, career development, cultural or educational purposes.

The rights funds from Gramex and KulturPlus are earned by performers in connection with radio and TV playback via Gramex, and for compensation when selling blank media via KulturPlus (Copydan).

Who processes the applications

The applications for the individual pool are processed by the relevant allocation committee, which reads, listens and processes the submitted material. The committee typically sits for 2 years at a time and consists of two board members and one member representative.

In 2024 and until the general meeting in 2025, Helle Henning, Troels Skjærbæk and Thøger Dixgaard will sit on the distribution committee.

See how it works Grants are sought  from the collective rights funds administered by Dansk Artist Forbund

Individual Copydan fees

Compensation is mainly distributed individually to soloists, singers and circus artists as payment for content retransmitted on TV, used for educational purposes or archival use.

The compensation is usually paid at the end of September and is calculated using registration data collected in collaboration with, among others, Performex.

For information about the basis for the remuneration paid, specification of the composition of the remuneration and deductions for administrative costs etc. contact Jens Skov Thomsen at Dansk Artist Forbund.

The collective part of the rights funds from Copydan is distributed to applications via the pools managed by Dansk Artist Forbund.

The rights funds from Copydan are collected via the organisations Verdens-tv, AVU-Medier and Copydan Arkiv. Read more about the organisations' collections at


Rettighedsvederlag for tv-medvirken

Together with the Danish Musicians' Union and the other performer organisations, the Danish Artist Association runs the management company Performex.

The union is also represented in Filmex, and both companies are responsible for the direct payment of remuneration to artists, musicians and performers for TV appearances.

Forbundet indsamler løbende kontrakter fra udøvende kunstnere og sørger for at de registreres i den rette enhed.

Performex – udbetaler til musikudøvere

Filmex – udbetaler til skuespillere