Apply for grants for
dine projekter
Du kan søge om tilskud til projekter indenfor musik og scenekunst igennem to puljer.
Individual projects
The Individual Projects Fund provides grants for projects such as music publishing, live performance, studio travel and education. Read more about it individual pool.
Broad projects
The general pool covers broad projects that empower more performers in music and performing arts. Read more about it general pool.
Funds that develop and retain talent
Puljerne med kollektive rettighedsmidler bliver udloddet af Dansk Artist Forbund, for at sikre diversitet samt fastholde og udvikle talent.
Read more about the union Management of licence funds.
Rettighedsmidlerne er indtjent af udøvende kunstnere i forbindelse med afspilning i radio og TV, via Gramex og Copydan.
Læs mere om, hvordan du får udbetalt dine tilskud here.
Puljernes ansøgningsfrister
- Pulje til udøvende kunstneres individuelle projekter med to årlige frister.
Next application deadline: Friday 31 January 2025 at 12:00 noon - Pulje til almene kulturprojekter med fire årlige frister.
The current pool had an application deadline of 1 December at 12:00. Expect a response to your application around 15 December 2024
Looking for more grants and scholarships
Finding the right funds for your projects doesn't have to take hours.
The Danish Artist Association has partnered with Full-time Creative, which runs a fund portal with an overview of pools and deadlines. As a member, you can get 3 months access from just DKK 50.
Sign up here - The fund portal provides access to 350 hand-picked cultural funding opportunities.