Your board of directors in
Danish Artist Association
”Vores mærkesag er at tale kunstens betydning op og vores kerneindsatser handler om at forbedre vilkårene for alle dem, der arbejder projektorienteret med musik og scenekunst. Der er større fokus nu end nogensinde på den måde, vi arbejder på som kunstnere, og på hvordan vores arbejdsmiljø- og vilkår betinger vores mentale trivsel, vores adgang til scenerne og måden vi er kollegaer på. Det er svært at stå alene, og selvom øvelsen med at være et fællesskab for individualister er svær, så tror vi på, at vores forbund er et vigtigt fællesskab. Sammen kan vi sikre den viden, der er i sekretariatet og blive mange nok til at presse på for forandringer,” siger forperson Sara Indrio.
Level playing field and equal access to the industry
Right now, we're all shocked by the experiences of sexism our female colleagues have shared with us on screen. Everyone, men and women alike, agree that this should be a thing of the past. As a member, anyone, regardless of gender, can get help from our skilled counsellors. Healthy change requires knowledge, time and dialogue, which is why the Danish Artist Association is also active in joint efforts for figures, facts and collaboration with the entire music industry via Safe Space, the Music Industry Partnership for Sustainable Development, the Gender Balance Goals 2030 and in our international forums. One concrete result is that the new Copyright Act has introduced the word 'author' rather than 'originator' and that we now have over 80 organisations that measure efforts for equal access in the Music Industry Partnership every year.
Music on streaming and radio
For all of us who record music, rights and royalties are a big part of our income. Therefore, the value of a stream is also very important, as is the way Gramex distributes them. We have succeeded with a new distribution policy at Gramex, which the rights holders have already noticed this year, when Gramex presented a very, very good result. On the other hand, we still have a long way to go when it comes to the streaming economy. A major report from our umbrella organisation, IAO, states that the vast majority of music artists are dissatisfied with their earnings from streaming. Therefore, together with all the Koda organisations and the Danish Musicians' Union, we have proposed a direct payment from the services to the artists, which through legislation can oblige both tech and pure music platforms to ensure that there must always be a payment to the artists.
All those who work project-orientated with music and performing arts. "
Collaboration and cross-cutting efforts
Because even though we have big challenges as an industry, co-operation is one of the most important factors in finding solutions to very complex problems. It takes a lot of unity to withstand the continuous pressure on our rights payment and protection. Right now, YouSee is taking legal action against Copydan, which means they are using the content as before, but will only pay a fraction of what they did before. Earlier this year, Copydan lost a major case to the state regarding compensation for copying on phones and other devices. Fortunately, we still have the Kulturplus funds, which can be paid out both individually and collectively via the Danish Artist Association and other organisations.
Artificial intelligence, or machine learning, is an exciting new field that experts say will impact our daily lives in the future. We need to secure artists' rights and payment, but also start a conversation about quality, transparency and the ability to protect your unique brand and expression. We're helping to raise awareness of this and have suddenly gained momentum after Prime Minister Mette Fredriksen realised first-hand what Deep Fake means.
Circus and performing arts
Internationally, the Danish Artist Association puts circus on the agenda in the organisation FIA, which has responded with a major report on circus. We are also active in the new Danish trade organisation for contemporary circus, DSC, which we helped establish. DSC puts an important focus on a unique and exciting art form with huge potential, both as an independent art form and as professionalism in theatre productions. The new committee for circus and performing arts under the board consists of four members who together will set the goals for the organisation's work. Right now, we are working to get circus protected under copyright law, which would mean well-deserved and much-needed recognition for one of the world's oldest forms of artistic expression.
Where are the important communities
Social media is at the centre of many of today's issues and provides important communities and forums for conversation. But they can also steal the picture and trick us into thinking we're getting the same information or make us communicate in a certain way with a certain type of recipient. This poses a challenge to established communities such as the Danish Artist Association. We would like to know more about this, but we also want to continue to explain why it's important to organise professionally and make it attractive to do so. That's why we are constantly developing our brand, our offer and our organisation. This has resulted in a new logo and website, as well as a new unemployment fund collaboration, which makes it better and cheaper to choose the artists' unemployment fund - check it out! And look forward to this year's summer party on 5 September - it's going to be a blast!
Remember, you can always write directly to the board of the Danish Artist Union here.