New board of directors elected
in Dansk Artist Forbund
The members gathered for the general meeting of the Danish Artist Association on Wednesday 15 May.
At the general meeting, chairperson Sara Indrio reviewed the year's efforts to strengthen the working environment and conditions for artists and musicians.
The association's accounts and principles for the management of rights funds were also presented, and along the way there was a good debate with many clarifying questions for the chairperson and the board - both about the professional and industry policy work.
The general meeting also included elections for the association's board of directors.
The two board members Betina Følleslev and Helle Henning were re-elected and Markus Artved was elected as a new deputy. Markus Artved is a music producer, multi-instrumentalist and composer for music artists, performing arts and film. He also has the solo project Honey Hideout, where he releases his own hand-played songs that exude analogue nostalgia.
Thanks for an important contribution to Troels Abrahamsen, who is leaving the association's board due to busyness.
A big thank you also goes to all the members who ran for board and deputy positions.
The board now consists of
- Betina Følleslev
- Brian Risberg Clausen
- Gry Møller Lambertsen
- Helle Henning
- Kajsa Bohlin
- Marianne Lewandowski
- Markus Artved
- Peter Nørgaard
- Troels Skjærbæk
The board constitutes itself at the next board meeting.
Most of the association's board of directors can be seen in the photo above, but Gry Lambertsen, Helle Henning, Kajsa Bohlin and Troels Skjærbæk are missing.