All artists in music and performing arts can use the standard contracts provided by the Danish Artist Association. The contracts are developed in collaboration with the association's members and cover all types of live performances.

The agreements have been updated and contain six principles for interaction developed by the Safe Space network. The principles promote respectful collaboration and contribute to a professional working environment in the music and performing arts industry.

You can view the full contracts and download them here

Principles of togetherness and co-operation

  • Respect personal boundaries
  • Be professional
  • Take responsibility for your own actions
  • Respect and recognise differences
  • Be inclusive
  • Take action against inappropriate behaviour

Contracts focus on respect and professionalism

The new standard contracts put the six principles of togetherness on a par with all other practical aspects of a performance. This includes payment of transport, marketing, safety, liability and stage conditions. The use of images and video clips after an act or performance is also covered.

The contracts were drawn up by the legal department of the Danish Artist Association, and several artists and performers have provided input on the content.

"A clear agreement makes collaboration better for both the artist and the organiser, also when it comes to the working environment. We have updated the standard agreement with clear principles for a healthy working environment to emphasise the six principles of togetherness and ensure that they become an integral part of a collaboration," says Nathalie Rothe, Lawyer (L) and chief advisor at the Danish Artist Association.

In addition to the new section on occupational health and safety, they also include a section on the practical and safety aspects of a performance and clarify who is responsible for cancelling a show if the weather makes it difficult or unsafe to perform.

Use the new standard contracts

We encourage everyone to utilise the standard contracts. They help ensure clear terms before, during and after an assignment. If you have any questions or inputs to the standard contracts, you can write to - We would love to hear from you.

The standard contracts cover:

  • Arbejdsmiljø
  • Economy - incl. transport and possible accommodation
  • Images, video and marketing
  • Safety and insurance
  • Equipment - props
  • Weather, changes, possible cancellation

Facts about access principles
Read more about the industry network Safe Space and the six principles of togetherness in network handbook.