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performing artists on the road
Performing artists combine many projects and incomes
There are just over 3200 performing artists in Denmark according to Statistics Denmark. A very large proportion of performing artists are active in many types of projects, performances and shows over the course of a year. This is shown in the inventory of artists' sources of income. The majority of performing artists (59 %) have several types of income from different sources, while slightly less than half of performing artists (41%) have salary as their main source of income.
Beyond the figures above, there is no more nuanced data on the working lives of performing artists. There is a lack of knowledge about the distribution of artists in different genres such as acting, dance, musicals - or smaller genres such as performance, circus, storytelling or magic.
Similarly, there is no comprehensive knowledge of the financial and artistic challenges that performing artists face in the different specialities.
The two current studies aim to fill this knowledge gap.
Survey among Free Field artists
The Development Platform invites the entire independent performing arts field in Denmark to participate in a nationwide survey to map structures, practices and funding conditions.
The Free Field is the collective term for all self-producing performing artists who are not affiliated with specific theatres, stages and cultural institutions. The field is not limited by genre, but consists of a wide range of performing artists within acting, dance, circus and performance.
The independent performing artists are part of the large number of performing artists who have income from various sources and projects. In season 22/23, more than 200 productions were created and more than 3000 performances were performed in Det Frie Felt. The figure covers productions at the project-supported theatres and is calculated by Statistics Denmark.
Challenges for dancers and performers in musical theatre
Another major survey in the performing arts comes from Aarhus University and goes out to dance and musical theatre artists. The survey will show the conditions, challenges and development opportunities for dance and musical theatre in Denmark. Anyone working in the field can participate.
Join the study of dance and musical theatre
The Augustinus Foundation has initiated the comprehensive analysis of the conditions for dance and musical theatre in Denmark. The foundation wants to support the development of Danish performing arts and contribute to creating a knowledge base for the status, challenges and development opportunities of the two areas.